Arts Corner at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair showcases rich diversity of creativity
AIBF Artists

Arts Corner at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair showcases rich diversity of creativity

May 1, 2024

Abu Dhabi, UAE – 30 April 2024 – Artworks showcased at the 33rd Abu Dhabi International Book Fair’s (ADIBF) Arts Corner exhibit a remarkable diversity, featuring various art forms, trends, and creative expressions, and serving as a testament to each artist’s personality.

The Arts Corner attracts visitors to the ADIBF 2024, hosted at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) until 5 May 2024. As visitors enter the area, their attention is immediately drawn to a massive painting of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Founding Father of the UAE. Created by the artist Taim AlOmar, the artwork is notable for its incorporation of 11,500 falcon feathers in different colours, lending it a striking allure playing on light and shadow.

The diversity at the Arts Corner permeates every aspect of its offerings. Daily newspapers have been repurposed into a stunning collection of fashion pieces crafted by artist Maram AlOmar, while paintings generated by artificial intelligence (AI) showcase a variety of materials selected with the artist’s experience and vision. Among these are the captivating ‘collages’ by artist Salem Alhamed, featuring star musicians from the Gulf, including Abadi Al-Johar, Mohammed Abdu, and Rabeh Saqer. Other displays at the Corner show the integration of art into everyday items. For instance, circular pieces adorned with childlike drawings serve as coasters for hot cups, while cloth bags feature motivational phrases such as ‘Come on, positive energy.

One unique concept involves a magnetic souvenir set featuring road names in Abu Dhabi, including Ahmed Khamis Al Hameli Road, which can be displayed in multiple locations. “I am currently developing a set of souvenir magnets to serve as a tribute to the efforts of our wise leadership in Abu Dhabi, honouring individuals for their achievements and contributions,” said Kaltham Bint Muhammed. “I used amber (kahraman) to design a souvenir that would appeal to collectors and promote Abu Dhabi’s status as a tourist destination.”

The Art Corner has much more to offer, with each exhibit captivating viewers and sharing its story. In vibrant colours, the artworks include paintings, intricately crafted wooden figures with abstract shapes by artist Rabei Pharaoh, and plaster models depicting books or people reading. The Corner embodies the dynamic world of art and the essence of life renewal .

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